Gynekologie Praha

Vítejte v SHAYNA ROSE!

Gynekologicko-poroodnická ordinace

Gynekologie Praha

Vítejte v SHAYNA ROSE!

Gynekologicko-poroodnická ordinace

Gynekologie Praha

Vítejte v SHAYNA ROSE!

Gynekologicko-poroodnická ordinace

Gynekologie Praha

Vítejte v SHAYNA ROSE!

Gynekologicko-poroodnická ordinace

Gynekologie Praha

Vítejte v SHAYNA ROSE!

Gynekologicko-poroodnická ordinace

Poskytovaná péče

Komplexní gynekologická péče, vyšetření a prevence. Komplexní UZ screening a vyšetření. Péče o normální i rizikové těhotenství až do termínu porodu. CTG: vyšetření těhotných v posledním měsíci 1x/týden. Základní diagnostika a léčba neplodnosti i infertility. Spolehlivé těhotenské testy (vyhotovené ihned).

Kde nás najdete

Školská 32, Praha 1


Ordinace Shayna Rose s.r.o. poskytuje komplexní gynekologické vyšetření

Poskytujeme tuto péči:


Ordinace Shayna Rose s.r.o. poskytuje mimo jiné komplexní gynekologické vyšetření, zahrnující preventivní gynekologické prohlídky, antikoncepční a sexuologické poradenství, péči o těhotné a drobnou gynekologickou operativu.


Důraz klademe na kvalitu poskytované péče, a to jak po stránce odborné – s využitím moderního přístrojového vybavení, tak po stránce organizační – naší ctižádostí je nabídnout vysoce kvalifikovanou péči v příjemném prostředí a bez zbytečného čekání.


Naše ordinace zajišťuje veškerou ambulantní péči v oboru s návazností na lůžková zařízení a specializované ambulance, jako centrum asistované reprodukce /CARs/, urogynekologická ambulance, onkologie, rizikové i patologické těhotenství. Nabízíme příjemné prostředí v nově zrekonstruované a plně klimatizované ordinaci.


Jonathan Lees

A saint to me and my partner

"Dr McBride has been a savior to me an my pregnant partner, He has made her feel comfortable through the whole process so far. He is very knowledgable about the whole process, made us feel comfortable and we know we're in the right hands, we really couldn't have asked for more. He has gone above and beyond for us to make sure that we understand the best that we can do for us to have a healthy and happy baby. Dr Fara McBride is a very pleasant man he even introduced us to his lovely family and after dealing with him we really wouldn't want to have to do this without him. He is a busy man but he always find the time for us. I highly recommend."

Jarka Hanáková

Human and friendly attitude

"I've been to the doctor for about eight years, and I would not change his clinic to any other one. I very much appreciate his human and friendly attitude. He always explains everything and tries to find the best and most cost-effective solution for the patient. The doctor has operated me at the hospital, and I am very grateful. Operation was good, postoperative care was superior 🙂 I like the clinic because of him, becuase of its well-equiped gyn. office, even the waiting room is amazing, modern exam. chair, and ultrasound. 
I wish many satisfied patients."

Andrea M.

Extremely satisfied

"I am extremely satisfied with the doctor. I have been going to him for 2 years and my pregnancy brought me to him. In my opinion, the care during pregnancy was really above standard, with regard to his extra careful approach, he always explained everything he needed, he was willing to help at any time, even over the phone. He is a great expert and professional, but at the same time an empathetic person who values ​​his patients and shows great humanity. His examinations are very gentle, the surgery corresponds to modern trends and in all respects, it goes with the times. Many times, I did not even feel like I was at the doctor's !, I felt very good in the presence of the doctor Fara. I like his special approach and willingness to always be accommodating and especially his expertise in the field plus the positive energy he radiates. In view of the above, the doctor was also at my baby delivery at birth and I must say that there was no better decision, because the inner harmony and peace that I had in me was priceless and everything went as it should. I highly recommend doctor Fara to everyone, and believe me, you will not be disappointed. Thank you, Doctor, for how you take care of your patients and what approach you have to them, you can see that you like your job."

Michaela K.

Very pleasant

"I have been seeing this doctor for over ten years and I have always been very satisfied. The clinic is above standard and the approach of the doctor and his receptionist is always very pleasant, up to high standard. I have been operated on twice by the doctor Fara, and everything has always turned out great. I can only recommend."



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Školská 32, Praha 1
Prague | City Center

Havířska 566, Kladno 1
TGM, city center

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